Not sure where to start? Let’s discuss our options

When I was younger, I only associated exercise with how many calories I could BURN.

With complete disregard to how I wanted exercise to make me FEEL.

Exercise didn’t reward me with feeling grateful for my body nor did it leave me feeling powerful.

Not to mention my inconsistency; I only exercised when I felt bad about myself or if I felt I needed to ‘burn’ off food.

I knew NOTHING about exercise, to me it was simple-

Exercise- burn as many calories as possible- leave.

I think in todays society, we’ve become so consumed it looking good that it engrains a huge amount of pressure to exercise to “look good,” rather than focusing on feeling good and feeling content with our bodies. 

Ironically this way of exercising hugely limits your results… but more importantly we fall into the trap of using food as a reward and training as a punishment.

No one can thrive in that environment.

We become blind to the great capabilities we hold within our bodies and obsessed by our limits that we reinforce every time we engage in these toxic behaviours. 

We learn nothing about body acceptance or self care.

Exercise Isn’t a cure for overeating.

Exercise isn’t a punishment for having body fat or not fitting in our jeans.

Exercise isn’t to burn calories.

To reframe these ‘’compensatory behaviors" we need to reframe how we think and feel about exercise.

Learning exercise is a celebration of your unique body.

With my team I encourage them to redirect their focus to how they want to feel through exercise.

If they want to feel strong, they challenge themselves with strength goals.

If they want to feel relaxed, they take a walk in nature.

Exercise leaves them feeling better not worse. It becomes a loving act.

It all starts in with your thoughts, and the sad part, most people seek change from the wrong place. 

Then every thought leads to an action that is created by dark thoughts and manifested through poor choices. 

The stakes are too high to not adopt a new way of thinking.

Change your thoughts and your body will change with you.


If you’re struggling to start, there is no need to judge yourself too much, hold onto knowing this is actually the hardest part.